freedom from exams for the moment... yeah!!! had my last exam on saturday.... the exams were okie but on that saturday.... i was sooo nervous for the sat exam that before the exam i vomitted... coz we've got 12 exam questions and from the 12 only 4 of the questions will come out... so i had to remember all 12 and there were 6 of us in a group, so each of us did 2 questions.. some of the question no idea what the lecturer was talking bout and so we didn't know how to really answer the questions. but thank god those questions didn't come out during the exams.... man... on tat sat, my last exam... i was like depressed because i so couldn't remember so many things in a day as i had another exam on the friday... been praying and crying to God for wisdom... n i think the Lord that he was with me through it all.... the night before i wouldn't sleep... having nightmares.... it was the worst pre exam feeling ever. but i thank the Lord that i went through my exams knowing Christ was there beside me through it all. :)
so wat i do after exams?? wat else? shoppping...... looking for dresses for my bro's wedding:)
what will i be doing during the holidays.... well... my ideal holiday would be eat... sleep.... watch tv... shop.... but it ain't ideal after all.... gotto work or do something useful with my time.