ĈαЯρ¡ξ đΐεM

'In my darkest hour silence spoke louder than words I am lost in a floating dreamscape I see my face behing a mask with knowing steps I am lured closer reflection strips my guise In the heart of darkness I see a light I hear my voice and I am found' - The mask Venezia

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Back to the road trip. Brisbane 5/12-15/12/2006

Had the best time in Brisbane. I really enjoyed my time in brisbane, staying with my long, closest, best friend, Shaz. Thank you for ur hospitality, for taking us out when u had uni and assignments to do, for tahaning my whines and babyness, for cooking curry chicken and making us feel at home, for letting us bunk at ur place, for ur joyfulness and for being U. Ur the best!!

People we met in Brisbane are amazing. Everyone was sooo welcoming and friendly. Would never forget the experience.

Met the gal on the top left during cell group. The next day she and chi yenn made an appointment to go out for dinner. She brought her friend and we had a great dinner. After that they took us to this mountain top to see the whole of Brisbane, something like Kings park. They were amazing. We just met them and they welcomed us with open arms. Thank YOU! Its just soo amazing but during the whole trip God was always there protecting us, he brought friends to take us around and showed us his beautiful creation.
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  • At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I miss dream world! so fun...!

    so how've you been? photos look good!


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